What if I have to change my line of work because I was injured on the job?

This situation often arises among workers whose injuries prevent them from returning to a previous job that requires extensive physical activity. Fortunately, there are benefits available to help the transition to a new career.
If you are unable to return to your previous position due to your work-related injuries, then the N.C. Workers’ Compensation Act allows for you to be placed in vocational rehabilitation to be provided by your employer or its workers’ compensation carrier. These benefits should cover the costs of:
- Getting on-the-job-training or education
- Receiving an analysis of your transferrable skills
- Searching for a job
- Getting assistance with your resume, applications and interviews.
A vocational rehabilitation counselor should be assigned to help you find suitable employment.
Our section on Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits explains vocational rehabilitation benefits and other benefits available under North Carolina workers’ compensation law in more detail.