Social Security Disability Attorney in Wilmington, NC

If you’ve suffered a disabling injury or medical condition that prevents you from working, Social Security disability benefits may provide the financial assistance you need. However, the Social Security Administration has strict eligibility requirements to qualify for disability benefits. Many SSD applicants with valid disability claims receive denial letters initially and need help filing appeals.
Hiring an experienced SSDI lawyer from Hardison & Cochran can help ease the anxiety and stress of navigating the disability claims process and improve your chances of a successful outcome. We will explain your rights and options during each step of the application process, including:
- Drafting your application
- Gathering supporting documentation
- Supplementing information during the initial review
- Pursuing an administrative appeal if your application gets denied on initial review
Our firm will advocate for you with claims evaluators and administrative law judges to pursue the financial benefits you need when you cannot work. Contact us today to discuss your circumstances in an initial consultation.
Social Security Disability Benefits – Do You Qualify?
Social Security Disability Insurance benefits provide financial assistance to people who can no longer maintain gainful employment due to disabilities caused by an injury or medical condition. You may qualify for SSD if you have a disability that prevents you from working and is expected to last at least 12 months or be a terminal condition.
The Social Security Administration operates two major disability programs. If you have a sufficient work history and paid Social Security taxes over the years, you may apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. You need a specific number of work credits to qualify for SSDI. You can earn up to four work credits per year by earning a specific amount of taxable income. If you have little or no income and assets and meet the monthly income criteria, you may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits.
The Social Security Administration maintains a list of conditions that can qualify a person for disability benefits, such as:
- Certain types of cancer
- Parkinson’s disease
- Cerebral palsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Endocrine disorders
- Anemia
- Chronic liver or heart disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- Chronic respiratory disorders
- Intellectual disorders
- Schizophrenia
However, receiving a diagnosis of a recognized condition does not automatically qualify you for benefits. You must demonstrate that your condition prevents you from working.
Why Is a Social Security Disability Lawyer Needed?
Unfortunately, most people who apply for Social Security benefits have their applications denied on initial review. The denials often occur because applicants submit insufficient medical evidence and information to establish their eligibility. Skilled legal representation can make all the difference.
A Social Security disability lawyer with Hardison & Cochran can review your medical records, determine what additional information is needed, and submit a compelling application. If the Social Security Administration denies your application initially, an SSDI lawyer can guide you through the appeals process, obtain supplemental evidence from medical specialists, and craft compelling arguments to present at a hearing before the North Carolina Industrial Commission.
How a Social Security Disability Lawyer Can Support Your Application Process
An experienced SSDI lawyer can assist you at each stage of the benefits application process, including:
- Initial Application – When you file your SSD application, a claims reviewer will evaluate your medical documentation and supporting information to determine whether you qualify for benefits. An attorney can help by preparing a persuasive application with supporting medical documentation and responding to the claims reviewer’s requests for additional information.
- Reconsideration – When the reviewer denies your application during the initial review, you can request reconsideration of the application. Sometimes, you may submit additional information or documents to address deficiencies identified in the denial letter. Your attorney can help you understand why the claims reviewer denied your application and secure additional information to bolster your application.
- Hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) – If the reconsideration is unsuccessful, you can request a hearing before an administrative law judge. You can present evidence and witness testimony at the hearing to support your disability application. A knowledgeable attorney can present a compelling argument to the ALJ.
- Appeals Council Review – You can appeal an adverse decision by a judge to the Social Security Administration’s Appeals Council, which will determine whether the judge erred in their ruling.
- Federal Court Review – After exhausting the administrative appeals process, you can pursue your appeal by filing a lawsuit in federal court. An attorney can file your complaint and represent your interests in court.
Other Benefits of Working with a Wilmington, NC, Social Security Disability Attorney
A Social Security disability attorney can assist you in various ways during the appeals process, including:
- Using their legal knowledge and experience to help you understand your options throughout the claims process
- Filling out complex application forms and other paperwork
- Gathering medical evidence to persuade the Social Security Administration of the severity of your condition and the fact that it prevents you from work
- Handling communications and requests from SSA officials
- Representing you throughout the application and appeals process
Finding the Right Social Security Disability Attorney in Wilmington, NC
Selecting an SSDI attorney may be one of the most critical decisions you make. When deciding which attorney to hire, consider the lawyer’s experience in the disability claims process, their record of success, and communication style. A close working relationship with your attorney can give you the best chance of success for your application.
Do You Need Support with Your SSD Claim?
Hiring an experienced Social Security disability attorney can make the benefits application process less stressful and give you the best chance of securing SSDI benefits. Let the disability lawyers in Wilmington, NC, with Hardison & Cochran, assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your rights and options for seeking Social Security disability benefits.