Do I really need a lawyer to handle my personal injury claim?

A lawyer is not necessary every time someone is hurt in an accident and has a personal injury claim. But, we encourage every accident victim to at least consult a personal injury lawyer to make sure you understand your legal options and the services an attorney can provide.
What’s most valuable about a lawyer is that your lawyer is the one knowledgeable person involved in the aftermath of an accident who is looking out for your interests. The police serve the law, doctors work for corporations, and insurance companies serve their firm’s bottom line.
If you have suffered a serious injury, a personal injury lawyer can be of great help during a trying time in your life. We contact your medical care providers and the insurance company or companies involved to advise them that we have been retained to represent you. We take care of the work required to compile and submit an insurance claim, and to press the insurance company to do what is right. We deal with insurance companies on a daily basis, and we know the tricks an insurance company will try to avoid paying what they owe.
If the insurer rejects your claim, an attorney who has worked on your case from the start is ready to go to court for you. You won’t have to wait for a newly hired lawyer to get up to speed or try to compile evidence after the fact.
Remember that a personal injury attorney works for you on a contingency-fee basis. What they get out of a personal injury claim is directly tied to the results they achieve for you. You don’t pay a fee until a settlement or court award for you has been approved.
Hardison & Cochran offers a free, no obligation meeting to discuss your case and advise you of your legal options. If you already have a settlement offer, we can give you our frank professional opinion about it.
Contact us today for free legal advice. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.