Severe Lung Disease Caused by Toxic Exposure

A number of severe lung diseases may be caused by exposure on a semi-regular basis to hazardous chemicals or dust particles. Many patients who are diagnosed with a severe lung disease may be unaware of the connection to a workplace exposure, particularly if the exposure occurred a number of years ago. Our attorneys would like to review your situation if you have been diagnosed with any of the following serious respiratory conditions in the past five years: pulmonary fibrosis, any interstitial lung disease, silicosis, bronchiolitis obliterans, sarcoidosis, berylliosis or chronic beryllium lung disease, metal lung disease, pneumoconiosis or non-smoker’s lung cancer.
The legal team at Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law represents individuals in North Carolina who have been injured or developed diseases through exposure to toxic chemicals or hazardous materials in the work place. We can review the specifics of your respiratory disease diagnosis and your employment history and determine whether there is a causal link between your disease and workplace exposure to a hazardous chemical. If your disease was caused by another’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation from the maker of the hazardous chemical. Let our dedicated attorneys provide a free review and discuss your legal options.
Do You Have an Injury Claim After a Diagnosis of Severe Lung Disease?
Severe lung diseases may be caused by exposure on the job to toxic chemicals, hazardous dust, fibers, metal particles, or food flavoring additives. Workers typically are exposed over an extended period of time, but the disease may not be diagnosed until many years later. The following disease diagnoses should be reviewed by a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to determine if there is a causal link to a toxic exposure.
Pulmonary Fibrosis – Workers who are exposed to chemical or hazardous substances may develop scar tissue deep in the lungs. The condition is known as pulmonary fibrosis. The scarring limits the lungs’ ability to move oxygen to the bloodstream.
Silicosis – Workers in a number of occupations are at risk of breathing dust containing silica particles and developing silicosis, a potentially fatal lung disease. Occupations that may lead to high levels of silica exposure include sandblasting, road construction, stone masonry, pottery making, quarrying, mining, rock drilling, stone countertop fabrication and hydraulic fracking.
Interstitial Lung Disease – Interstitial lung disease describes a group of respiratory diseases that result in scarring and thickening of the lung tissue. They are classified according to the inhaled hazardous substance that cause the disease such as asbestos, silica dust or beryllium.
Bronchiolitis Obliterans – Workers at plants that produce microwave popcorn, cookies, pretzels or snack cakes may develop a severe respiratory disease as a result of inhaling butter flavorings. The condition is commonly known as popcorn lung.
Sarcoidosis – People with sarcoidosis may develop severe lung problems including chest pain, a dry cough and shortness of breath and permanent scarring of the lungs. Firefighters, health care workers, and Navy enlisted personnel are among the groups associated with development of sarcoidosis lung disease. About 10 percent of people with sarcoidosis develop a serious disability due to damage to the lungs or eyesight.
Berylliosis – Beryllium is used in many industries, from auto electronics to aircraft components to computer electronics and turbine rotors. Individuals who work with beryllium are at risk of developing the lung disease berylliosis, which also is known as chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Workers in metal machining, nuclear power, aerospace and electronics production have the greatest exposure to beryllium.
Metal Lung Disease – Workers employed in industries that produce cutting tools, drills, grinders, and polishing tools may develop metal lung disease.
Contact a Toxic Tort Lawyer to Review Your Legal Rights
If you have been diagnosed with one of the above severe lung diseases, let a toxic tort lawyer at Hardison & Cochran review your diagnosis and work history to determine if you may be entitled to seek compensation for your medical bills and other expenses. Call our compassionate attorneys for a free, no-obligation review of your legal options.