Case Results

Disclaimer: The case results below do not represent Hardison & Cochran’s entire record. Additionally, you should not form an expectation of the outcome of your case from the listed facts of the cases below. Each case listed has its own set of unique factors which contributed to the final sum obtained for the client and/or the family of a client. Remember, no two cases are the same.

Recent Verdicts & Settlements


Truck Accident

Obtained for a Dunn, North Carolina truck driver who was injured while unloading the trailer.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Burlington, North Carolina man who was installing a steel computer frame when it fell and injured the man’s spine, left leg, ankle and shoulders.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Rockingham, North Carolina woman who was injured when she slipped at work and injured her left foot.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Wargram, North Carolina man who injured his spine while pulling coil.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Mount Olive, North Carolina woman who tripped and fell over a water hose injuring her right knee and hip while on the job.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Benson, North Carolina woman who was injured at work when she attempted to pull down a broken automatic door and the door suddenly shot up. The woman fell injuring her spine.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Holly Springs, North Carolina man who was hit in the shoulder by a tank causing him to fall and injure his head and spine while at work.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Fayetteville, North Carolina man who was injured when he fell from a ladder while performing maintenance work.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Roseboro, North Carolina welder who injured his left shoulder after pulling a beam that was stuck while at work.


Workplace Injury

Obtained for a Spring Lake, North Carolina man who injured his back while on a ladder running pipe on the job.