Should I Talk with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company?

Generally speaking, you should talk first with an attorney before you talk with the other driver’s insurer. You do not want to say anything that could negatively impact your claim.
Anything you say to the other driver’s insurance company could be used against you. The insurer may use statements you make to argue that you contributed to the accident or that you are not as hurt as you claim. After all, the insurer’s goal is to minimize its payout.
The insurer may also try to get you to settle any potential claims against its insured driver. You should not agree to any settlement – or sign any release – until you know the full extent of your damages. Don’t be rushed by the insurance company into making an unwise decision.
Call an attorney and ask for a review of your case. At Hardison & Cochran, we will do this review at no charge to you. In fact, we will fully investigate your case, consult with experts and arrive at what we believe to be a fair settlement value. We can negotiate directly with the insurers to arrive at this settlement.
If the insurer calls you, you can simply refer the insurer to your attorney.
Please see our page on How You Can Help Your Accident Case for more advice on steps you can take to protect your rights after a crash.