When you are injured on the job, you should report the accident and file a claim for workers’ compensation. Injuries that result from workplace accidents can be serious and costly. Your workers’ compensation claim can help to pay for your losses. If you are having any difficulty obtaining workers’ compensation benefits, consider hiring experienced workers’ compensation attorneys in Raleigh, NC.
Workers’ compensation claims must be filed within a certain amount of time for the worker to recover benefits. According to Article I of the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act section 97-22, every injured employee shall “immediately on the occurrence of an accident, or as soon thereafter as practical, give or cause to be given to the employer a written notice of the accident…” The act, section 97-58, states a claim for compensation related to an occupational disease shall be barred if not filed within two years from the employee’s death, disability or disablement. In the case of a work-related disease involving asbestosis, silicosis or lead poisoning, a claim must be filed within two years of the date that the worker receives the diagnosis. To help you understand your duty to notify your employer and file your claim within the required time frame, reach out to a board-certified workers’ comp attorney in Raleigh, NC.
To recover compensation for your injuries incurred while on the job, you will have to prove the extent of injuries suffered. Unfortunately, the doctor selected by the company to assess and diagnose your injuries may not have your best interests in mind. If you believe that the doctor has not correctly diagnosed the harm that you have suffered, or has released you from care to return to work before you are ready to return, our workers’ compensation lawyer can help you seek another medical opinion and gather the medical evidence to prove your condition. Accurate and thorough medical evidence is an essential part of workers’ compensation claims.
Your workers’ compensation claim may be initially denied for a number of reasons. Perhaps your injuries are believed to be too minimal to warrant compensation, or perhaps your employer does not believe that you qualify for workers’ compensation based on how the injury occurred. Were you performing a work-related task? Your claim may have incomplete information or lack the medical information that the claims reviewers are looking to find. If your claim has been denied, a workers’ compensation attorney can guide you through the process of filing an appeal.
In some cases, a third party’s action may have caused your injuries. When this occurs, workers’ comp cases may not be your only option for recovering compensation. While the law does not allow you to file a claim directly against your employer, you are allowed to file a civil action against an at-fault third party. A third party liability claim can help you to recover the maximum of compensation that you deserve.
Workplace injuries can result in lost wages, high medical bills, and questions about how you will make an income in the future. When you are injured on the job, workers’ compensation claims can help you to obtain the benefits that you deserve. Before you attempt to navigate the complex workers’ compensation system on your own, reach out to the experienced Raleigh workers’ compensation attorneys at Hardison & Cochran. Our board-certified specialists in workers’ compensation will work hard on your behalf. Contact us online or call us today for a free case consultation. Learn more about why an attorney is needed in a workers’ comp claim.
1 Comment
My gosh, my best friend got injured on the job due to faulty equipment, and their employer is refusing to cover medical expenses. They’re looking into hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve and I could not agree more. As you said here, workplace accidents may lead to missed pay, expensive medical expenses, and concerns about how you will support yourself in the future.