What is considered a disability?
DIB: Physical or Mental Impairment that last 12 months or more that prevents you from working a full-time job.
SSI: Same as DIB.
Read More: What Conditions Automatically Qualify You for Disability?
Credit Requirements
DIB: Must have paid in enough taxes in to Social Security recently to be eligible.
SSI: No credit requirements.
Financial Limitations
DIB: If you are working part time, you cannot earn over the level for substantial gainful activity (2008: $940/month).
SSI: Household income and assets must be low enough to qualify.
How Much Can I Get?
DIB: Depends on how much you have paid into Social Security.
SSI: Currently, $637 maximum per month, but this decreases dollar for dollar with any income you have.
Any Health Insurance Included?
DIB: Medicare: Eligible 2 years after you start receiving benefits.
SSI: Medicaid: Eligible as soon as you are declared disabled.
Can My Children Get benefits?
DIB: Yes. Children are entitled to a dependent’s benefit. But there is a family maximum.
SSI: Not as a result of your disability. Children must have a disability of their own.
Who Are These Benefits For?
DIB: 1.) Anyone who has paid in enough to be insured 2.) Anyone who may be eligible on a spouse or parent’s work record.
SSI: 1.) Adults of Retirement Age 2.) Disabled Adults Under Retirement Age 3.) Minor Children.