Truck accidents that cause fatal injuries are unfortunately frequent, and those that cause nonfatal injuries are even more frequent. When injured people seek justice for a truck accident caused by a negligent trucker or other parties, they typically find that truck accident cases are far more complicated to resolve than car accident claims.
If you’ve been hurt in a semi-truck crash caused by a truck driver’s carelessness or a trucking company’s negligence, it’s important to consult an experienced North Carolina truck accident lawyer to understand your legal options. Hardison & Cochran can help you seek compensation to cover your medical expenses and related losses.
Having the guidance of an experienced truck accident lawyer can increase your chances of recovering fair compensation in a truck accident case. Hardison & Cochran will handle all communications with the trucking company and insurance companies so you can focus on your health and recovery. Our truck accident lawyers will be prepared to file a truck accident lawsuit if the insurance company refuses to agree to a fair settlement.
What Happens After a Truck Accident in North Carolina?
Immediately after a serious truck accident, you may be shocked and confused. If you are able, there are steps you should take to protect your right to seek compensation for injuries that someone else caused:
- Call 911 from the scene if you or anyone involved needs medical attention.
- Get medical care and follow your doctor’s treatment plan and recovery instructions.
- Complete and file a North Carolina Crash Report with the DMV.
- Notify your auto insurance company of the crash.
- If you are unable to return to work, ask your doctor for a work release note and submit it to your employer while keeping a copy for your records.
- Keep copies of all medical bills, invoices, and receipts from medical treatment and other costs associated with the accident and your injuries.
- Locate pay stubs or income statements to calculate your lost earnings.
- Do not say anything to anyone about who may be at fault for the accident.
- Do not sign anything presented by an insurance company unless a truck accident lawyer has advised you to do so.
- Contact Hardison & Cochran, a truck accident law firm in North Carolina, to pursue compensation and accountability from the truck driver, trucking company, or others responsible for your injuries and losses.
Why Choose a Truck Accident Lawyer in North Carolina?
Insurance claims for commercial truck accidents involving a tractor-trailer, tanker truck, delivery truck, or any commercial vehicle are more complex than car accident claims. They require an attorney’s help if you are to recover fair compensation for your losses.
Some factors to consider are truck accidents:
- Cause more serious injuries than car accidents, which means more expensive claims
- May involve multiple liable parties, which allows them to point fingers at each other to stall or stop a claim
- May be affected by federal and/or state regulations
- May have been caused by a failure of the truck’s components, which requires specialized mechanical knowledge to uncover
- Large trucking companies tend to maintain layered liability insurance policies, which complicates payouts
By engaging a truck accident lawyer with Hardison & Cochran in North Carolina, you have the benefit of being represented by an attorney who understands North Carolina laws and regulations specific to truck accidents.
What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do in North Carolina?
As your truck accident attorney in NC, Hardison & Cochran can investigate the trucking accident you were in and press a claim for compensation on your behalf. The job of a truck accident lawyer includes:
- Gathering evidence of responsibility for the crash, including police reports, witness statements, and truck driver logs, which show when the trucker was behind the wheel.
- Obtaining data from the trucking company, such as truck maintenance records and the driver’s qualifications.
- Determining who is liable for the accident. In addition to the truck driver and the trucking company, one or more third parties, such as a vendor responsible for truck maintenance or loading cargo, may have contributed to the accident.
- Hiring an accident reconstruction specialist, if needed, to determine what happened in the truck crash and report their findings in court.
- Obtaining your medical records and consulting medical professionals to assess the extent of your injuries and gathering other records to calculate the value of your claim.
- Presenting insurance companies with demand letters detailing the compensation you are due and outlining the evidence that supports your claim.
- Negotiating with insurers to obtain a settlement that is fair to you. Most claims can be settled. But if negotiations fail, we will file a truck accident lawsuit on your behalf and be prepared to present a strong case in court.
When Should You Contact a Commercial Truck Accident Attorney?
A commercial truck accident claim demands compensation for losses you have suffered because of someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or misconduct. If you have been hospitalized and missed work because of a truck accident that was not your fault, you should seek legal guidance. If you have had significant losses and it is unclear who was at fault for a truck accident, you should speak to a lawyer.
At Hardison & Cochran, you can have a truck accident lawyer review your accident and discuss your legal options during a free case evaluation. If our North Carolina truck accident attorneys can pursue a claim for you, we will do so on a contingency basis. If we recover a settlement or jury award, we will take a previously agreed-to percentage of the amount recovered as our fee. If we do not recover compensation for you, there will be no charge to you.
If You Need A North Carolina Truck Accident Attorney, Contact Us Today
If you have suffered serious injuries in a commercial truck accident, you could find yourself fighting a large trucking company’s insurers over your injury claim. You need experienced personal injury lawyers to pursue the compensation necessary to make things right for you. Contact Hardison & Cochran for a free, no-obligation consultation with a North Carolina truck accident lawyer. Learn how we can help you recover money for your medical bills, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. Call us now!
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