
Each year thousands of children are rushed to the emergency room after swallowing medicine that is not intended for them. To very small children some pills can even look like candy. If you have prescription pills in your house, make sure to lock them up. Please view the video below…

We’re sports nuts here at Hardison & Cochran. If you’re a frequent reader of the blog, you knew that. Since we’re sports nuts, articles on youth sports always catch our eye. Gretchen Reynolds, who writes for the New York Times Health blog, had an interesting post yesterday on a new trend of knee injury which…

It’s that time of year. Green giving way to yellow, orange and red on the trees. Cool fall wind in your hair. Those first few lines sound like the beginning to a good song, but we’re talking about something different today. We’re talking about driving safety during the fall. If you didn’t know this week…

The days are getting shorter and the air is getting colder. In addition to football being in full swing, many of the hunting seasons for the state of North Carolina have started or are about to start. Since this is the case, we figured we’d search around the Internet for some hunting safety…

With the temperature starting to drop, we figured this would be a great time to go over some fireplace safety tips. While the temperatures didn’t drop too far this past weekend, it was a reminder that colder weather is only a few weeks away. According to the US Fire Administration,…

“There are a lot of people taking drugs to treat the side effects of drugs, and sometimes that makes sense, and maybe the initial drug is essential. But when you’re taking a drug to treat the side effect of a drug which is treating the side effect of another drug,…

“How much is my case worth?” This is a question that is asked of our attorneys in our firm from time to time during the initial consultation. The simple truth is this: If an attorney quotes you a dollar amount of how much your case is worth during an initial…