
In a “car vs. pedestrian” accident, the person on foot in most cases sustains the brunt of the injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says pedestrians were one of the few groups of road users in the U.S. to experience an increase in traffic fatalities in 2016. For…

Raleigh, North Carolina may not have freezing weather like Buffalo, New York, or Chicago, but the Triangle area still has its share of inclement weather during the winter. For that matter, it’s not only snow, sleet and ice that make roads hazardous. Freezing rain, fog and wind contribute to car…

Recent statistics show that hit-and-run accidents, in which a driver flees the scene of a car crash, are on the rise in North Carolina and across the nation. In addition to the heightened danger of injury of being struck by a hit-and-run driver, these types of accidents can make it…

The American economy has changed dramatically in the last decade. Many workers who lost jobs in the Great Recession have found that eight-plus years of recovery have not included full-time jobs for them. More and more people of all ages and experience levels are working as freelance or contract workers,…

The approach of the 2018 college football season marks the start of the fifth year of the campaign to promote autism awareness in North Carolina. Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law is proud to continue its partnership with the Autism Society of North Carolina and Carolina Football to raise awareness…