Today, the Governors Highway Safety Association projected that motorcyclist deaths increased around nine percent in 2012. In the last 15 years, motorcycle deaths have increased all but one of those years. The press release from the GHSA also notes that motorcyclists remain one of the few roadway user groups where no progress can be shown in the past decade.
Included in the GHSA press release is a link to the Motorcyclist Traffic Fatalities by State report. Click here to view the report.
Stats specific to North Carolina include an increase of seven deaths when January – September 2011 and January – September 2012 were compared. In that specific time frame, 134 deaths occurred in 2011 and 141 in 2012.
If you ride, make safety your chief priority before leaving out for your trip. If you don’t ride, keep your eyes open and make sure you don’t see any motorcycles before you change lanes or make that turn.

Photo Credit: driver Photographer via Compfight cc
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