Category: Car Accident

The following is a press release from the North Carolina Advocates for Justice which explains the House Bill 542 Billed v. Paid Auto Reform which passed two readings in the House earlier in June and passed its first reading in the Senate on June 6th. RALEIGH, N.C., June 2, 2011– Republican leaders in the…

1. I gave a recorded statement to the insurance company of the woman who hit my car. Now I’m thinking about getting legal representation. Is there a problem? You may still seek and obtain legal representation after giving a recorded statement. With that being said, any statement you make can…

Insurance companies and agents doing business in North Carolina are required to offer Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Combined Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage. You are not required to purchase this type of coverage. If you choose not to purchase it, you must reject this coverage in writing per North Carolina Department of…

In 1957, North Carolina became one of the first states to adopt a compulsory insurance law. Designed to compensate accident victims for losses and injuries obtained in accidents involving vehicles, the Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act, requires all motor vehicles registered in North Carolina to be covered by an automobile liability…

In North Carolina, 84% of people involved in motorcycle accidents between 2001-2006 suffered severe personal injuries, with 12% of those resulting in disability. Across the country, eighty percent of reported motorcycle crashes result in serious injury. It is crucial that everyone involved in a motorcycle accident gets medical attention regardless…