Author: Hardison & Cochran

The new year is quickly approaching. If you are like most people, you probably are setting some resolutions that focus on self-improvement or new goals. At Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law, we challenge you to add another resolution to your list: resolve to be a more considerate North Carolina…

We are all familiar with the fact that police use instruments to measure a driver’s blood-alcohol content (BAC) if they suspect impaired driving, particularly after an accident. Other similar instruments can measure BAC from sweat and, in some cases, police may obtain court orders to draw and test blood samples….

We are pleased to announce that Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law appears in the 2017 edition of Best Law Firms, an annual ranking compiled by U.S. News and Best Lawyers®. For the third consecutive year, Hardison & Cochran has been named to the Best Law Firms’ list in the…

If you are a part of America’s work force, you have probably had some job safety training and have been advised that occupational accidents and injuries happen to those who don’t pay attention to safety. In truth, accidents sometimes happen to workers because of the carelessness or disregard for safety…

Which is safer – backing into a space, or driving straight in, which requires you to back out? Think you know the answer? Modern technology, such as backup cameras and assistive parking systems, makes backing into spaces safer and easier. Yet, many people are still reluctant to back into a…