In North Carolina, 84% of people involved in motorcycle accidents between 2001-2006 suffered severe personal injuries, with 12% of those resulting in disability. Across the country, eighty percent of reported motorcycle crashes result in serious injury. It is crucial that everyone involved in a motorcycle accident gets medical attention regardless how minor the injuries may seem. Common injuries suffered include road rash, facial fractures and disfigurement, broken bones and burns. Injuries can range from minor to disabling, such as limb amputations, spinal cord injuries, paralysis and Traumatic Brian Injuries (TBI).
One of the most common injuries suffered in motorcycle crashes is road rash. Most people think it’s just cuts, scrapes and bruises.
Falling and skinning your knee is one thing, but road rash is truly a different story. If your skin is not properly treated after a motorcycle crash, you may develop permanent damage such as skin irritations, infections and surface nerve damage to name a few.
Fractures, broken bones and burns are also common injuries that most don’t consider severe. However, these injuries can result in disfigurement, permanent nerve damage, even disability. Protect yourself by wearing protective gear such as helmets, jackets and pants made of durable material such as leather, along with heavy boots and gloves. Injuries can be deceiving so don’t take anything for granted.
Limb amputations, paralysis and traumatic brain injuries are life-threatening personal injuries. Those ‘lucky’ enough to survive these injuries, face circumstances detrimental to their quality of life. These injuries often lead to disability and many who experience these injuries require long term or assisted care. Paralysis occurs most often as a result of thoracic spine injuries. This type of injury is most common for those ejected from the motorcycle during the accident. Pain and tenderness in the neck and back may be signs of possible neurological damage. Not all lead to paralysis but all are dangerous and should be identified and treated immediately.
Eighty seven percent of those who lost their lives as a result of a motorcycle accident in North Carolina were ejected from their bikes at the time of impact and suffered some sort of head injury. Head trauma is the leading cause of death for motorcyclists involved in accidents. Ten percent of those who suffer Traumatic Brian Injuries (TBI) have trouble living independent lives. A TBI is caused by a severe blow to the head, resulting in a possible skull fracture leading to neurological complications by interfering with signals between the brain and spine. Simple symptoms like nausea and dizziness can signal brain or spinal trauma. Medical attention is imperative. If not treated in a timely manner, these injuries can lead to long term or permanent disability.