According to a study released today by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) the diabetes drug, Avandia, poses a higher risk of heart problems, strokes and deaths that the competing drug, Actos.
The lead author on the study was Dr. David Graham. Graham, who is a scientist for the Food and Drug Administration, has told the Associated Press that up to 100,000 heart attacks, strokes, deaths and cases of heart failure may be attributed to Avandia since it’s debut on the market in 1999.
The JAMA report comes only weeks before the FDA holds an advisory committee meeting, which will offer new reports on Avandia, on July 13th.
More information on the report:
- New Study adds to Avandia’s woes – Triangle Business Journal
- Avandia, Heart Attacks & An Upcoming FDA Meeting – Pharmalot
- Diabetes Drug Avandia Ups Heart Risk, Reviews Conclude – Business Week
For more information on Avandia, please click here.