The approach of the 2018 college football season marks the start of the fifth year of the campaign to promote autism awareness in North Carolina.
Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law is proud to continue its partnership with the Autism Society of North Carolina and Carolina Football to raise awareness of the services available to those with autism.
The 2018 Autism Awareness Football Game is scheduled for September 15th with the North Carolina Tar Heels hosting the University of Central Florida Golden Knights in Chapel Hill, N.C.
On game day, the Autism Society of North Carolina will have a tent in Tar Heel Town near Kenan Stadium for staff and volunteers to answer questions and share information about its services with fans attending the football game.
Hardison & Cochran decided in 2014 to start sponsoring Carolina Athletics. The attorneys at the Raleigh law firm wanted their sponsorship to promote more than their legal services. The law firm partnered with the Autism Society of North Carolina and invited the non-profit group to use the football game advertising spots available through the sponsorship to promote the programs and services that the Autism Society offers to improve the lives of those with autism.
You too can join Team Autism NC by clicking on the Join the Team page and registering to receive information and updates throughout football season.
Autism is a common developmental disability that affects thousands of families in North Carolina. The Autism Society of North Carolina estimates that more than 65,000 North Carolinians cope with the Autism Spectrum Disorder, which describes a group of developmental disabilities affecting a person’s capacity to grasp what they see, hear and sense, such as classic autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).
Tracey Sheriff, CEO of the Autism Society of North Carolina, said Hardison & Cochran had embraced the work of the Autism Society and helped spread the word about its services.